Best Pocket WiFi for France – How And What To Look For?
You are planning a trip to France and you want to remain connected during your stay. It starts to be well known that pocket Wifi is a great solution for international travelers. In France, a Portable Wifi will allow you to remain connected to Wifi anywhere and anytime during a trip.
It also allows you to avoid data roaming fees which can be a pain. While traveling people are not used to check their phone bill constantly and they do not expect data roaming to be so expensive. But after a stay abroad you can easily undergo a bill shock when coming back home.
If you are planning to stay In France soon, here we help you to find the best pocket wifi for France. It is not always easy to find out what characteristic of the pocket Wifi you should look for.
The Best Pocket WiFi For France - What You Should Look Out For
Travelers who are used to pocket wifi know some of these characteristics. For the occasional users please find below the list of the characteristics to look for. Be sure to find the Best Pocket Wifi for France:
Internet Daily Data Usage
The daily usage is the most important characteristic. The one you should definitely look for. Most providers now give you unlimited internet access. It means that whatever your data consumption on the pocket wifi is, the connection won’t cut. You will have a high-speed connection at the beginning, and when the limit in high speed is reached, the connection will cut.
But some providers will only give you a very low amount of data in high speed (4G or 3G). This high-speed data envelope is the important thing to look for: the best pocket wifi for France should at least provide you about 1 GB per day in high speed. 1GB is what’s needed in order to be comfortable and not reach the limit during the day.
As the data package is renewed every day, you will keep a high-speed connection during your wall stay. To give you an idea, the daily data usage for Smartphone owner in their domestic country in 2016 is about 200MB. So 1 GB is really large enough!
WiFi Speed
The connection speed is really important. Depending on the kind of usage that you want to do with the Pocket Wifi, you need to pay attention to the speed. Best pocket wifi For France will provide you with 4G LTE and a good coverage. Of course, if you stay in the bigger cities in France, like Paris, Bordeaux, Lyon, Nice, etc. coverage will be good.
All network operators in France has good coverage in the major cities. But if you plan to visit French countryside, you need to stick with a pocket wifi provider that relays on the best network operators. In France, the two majors network operators are Bouygues Telecom and Orange.
Number of Users At The Same Time
The regular pocket wifi used to provide for up to 5 people at the same time. Now the best Pocket wifi provides up to 10 connections simultaneously. It is quite good for group travels but remembers that the wifi speed directly depends on the number of people connected to it.
The bandwidth is shared among the people connected. For heavy users, I would not recommend having more than 6 connected at the same time. If you are planning only to check emails and send some text through Whatsapp there is no issue.
Battery Life
Best Pocket Wifi for France should be able to last for about 7 hours (in use). Long enough to remain connected all day long while walking around and visiting the city. You can hardly ask for more because a longer battery will request a bigger battery.
If you want your Pocket Wifi to fit easily in your pocket, a 7 hours battery life is the perfect compromise.
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*Unlimited internet with Daily Fair Usage Policy applies. Europe & USA: 1GB in 4G/LTE - Mexico : 2GB - South East Asia, Japan & China: Unlimited 4G/LTE - Rest of the world: 500MB in 4G /LTE. Throttled speed of up to 512kbps afterwards.